Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to treat the starting of an ingrown toenail?

I think i have an ingrown toenail. It hurts a lot and it looks like a small lump sticking out the side of my big toe nail. What are the treatments for an ingrown toenail? Thankyou :)How to treat the starting of an ingrown toenail?
OK ive had 5 ingrown toenails in the last 5 months and they suck. Heres my advice: do NOT try and cut it yourself, its much better to go to a foot doctor and let them cut it. If, for some reason, you cant go to the doctor and theres no other choice cut it like this: if it isnt very deep get to the point of the nail and turn your scissors 90 degrees to the side from if they were facing you so the blade is going up like your nail then cut and try do not leave a point!!How to treat the starting of an ingrown toenail?
Yep! those don';t feel very good at all! the only remedy ive heard

besides that Outgrow medicine(witch doesn';t work at all)

that works is getting your toenail clippers,and clipping a V shaped

cut (as deep as possible)in the center of your toenail.

as your toenail grows, the V in the center tries to pull itself together, therefor pulling the sides of the toenail out of the skin. It actually works pretty quick, about 4 days
get the doctor to cut it out because its just going to get worse and it can get infected

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